"SMAQamPARK" is the built symbiosis of architecture and free space. The urban design is arranged in five longitudinal layers and interprets the specifications of the site in a freely selectable, but strictly rational sequence of development zones, volumes and private free spaces. The horizontal decks of the SMAQ structural system lay within these vertical layers. The amount of horizontal free spaces (loggias and balconys, porticos and roof top terraces) are continuously spread evenly across the whole building structure.
Each living and working unit has its own privileged access to a exceptional big private free space, which is unusual for social housing. It is possible to live in or outside of your own four (or better: three) walls, the transition between inside and outside is fluid along the transparent facades, each flat is a quarter bigger than its built ground plan.
With its open platform structure without bearing walls, the SMAQ system is the foundation of a durable, hybrid structure for different uses. Most units have a ceiling height of 2,80m. "SMAQam PARK" can be filled with (almost) every use over the time, even hundreds of square meter big room structures.
House 1 to 3 follow a consequent, three-dimensional layering of the functional areas: the first layer is a continuation of the development into a multifunctional secondary zone, which can contain serving and distributive room sequences, but also dining or working areas with windows to the corridor or the portico. The second layer contains the sanitary untis and kitchens. The third layer is the living zone and contains the rooms.
The walls can optionally be built as slding partitions. The layers drom corridor to facade are permeable and continuously in this system, the sanitary units are barrier free accessible beforehand.